O’Neill Hit the Road. Challenge accepted!
ONeil Hit the Road Book of Challenges
When you see a dinosaur wallowing in a pond, the historic preservation office getting nervous, and a dog skittering by on a wakeboard, that must mean the O’Neill Wakeboard team has been set loose on the streets again. To help boys and girls on their way to events come up with plenty of stupid but fun ideas, we designed a Book of Challenges together with The Cable team. It’s all documented on the website we designed. Fun times!
Personalisiertes O'Neill Book of Challenges mit Namen der Wakeboarder, die gemeinsam auf dem Road Trip waren.
ONeill Hit the Road HammerAlbrecht
Wakeboarder bei Challenge in Schlossteich
Hamburg St. Pauli Challenge by O'Neill
O'Neill Tattoo Challenge
Wakeboarder steigt Leiter ins Wasser herab
O'Neill Hit the Road Bilder der Challenges
O'Neill Hit The Road Cover